Today was an exceptionally good reactive class. We were fortunate with the weather and Gus and I were also fortunate with the dogs. Because there were a couple of smaller dogs who were doing really well in class we were able to really push them by trying out some new exercises today which was great for everyone I think. We were fortunate enough to have 3 working sessions today which further pushed Gus.
I brought really great treats (leftover cheese burgers) and Gusto was VERY motivated to tune in to me.
In the first working session I worked opposite a Shih Tzu X Lhasa who has a bit of an off gait due to a crooked front. He also wears tags, which as I wrote last time is a particularly difficult trigger for Gus. We did some T-greetings with S.E.S. (Sudden Environmental Change) where we kind of popped out in front of the other dog without much notice. We also did some jogging pass-bys and face to face greetings. Gus took a couple of longer looks at the dog, but other than that he didn't show any OUTWARD signs of reactivity. He was quite sharky though with his teeth which of course indicates tension in the jaw.
In our second session I worked opposite a
In our third session we worked opposite the Shih Tzu X Lhasa we had worked opposite in session 1. We did the same progression I just described in session 2, but we progressed faster with this dog as neither dog was finding it difficult. Gusto really took it in stride. I'm not sure he really cared that we'd changed dogs. He did equally well with this dog as he did with the
Gus did really well today. I hope that we can continue to challenge him so that he continues to progress. In future weeks I hope to work opposite larger dogs as he finds them more challenging.