Getting Gusto

When a friend decided to breed her Australian Shepherd, I jumped at the chance to have one of his puppies. A pup from a sire with similar lineage to my first aussie with the same bomb proof personality was a fantastic opportunity. Gus came home with me at about 10 weeks of age. The breeder couldn't decide which male she was keeping and so she hung on to Gus for a few extra weeks.

I had the opportunity to watch the bitch interact with the puppies and in hind sight, she may have been a little too "heavy handed" with her brood. I've seen good mamas before and this mama seemed to me to be a little too corrective, perhaps, it wasn't her nature as much as the fact that the pups were 10 weeks old and she needed them to be gone. But I'm not a dog, or an experienced breeder, perhaps this kind of behaviour is normal...

He had been temperment tested by a third party and was this individual's "pick of the litter".

When I brought Gus home I don't recall any alarm bells going off about his behaviour. He was harder to crate train than I remember with my first aussie, whimpering and crying in the kennel unless my fingers dangled inside, but this only lasted a few days.

Aside from this, I have no memory of anything sticking out.

Gusto's Progression from Reactive to Aggressive

We began puppy kindergarten when he was about 16 weeks old. Unfortunately the only training place in town at the time didn't allow the dogs to socialize with each other, and worked solely on obedience. He reacted very strongly to an energetic golden retriever puppy. The puppy's owner and I arranged to meet early the following week at a park across the street where we allowed the puppies to meet and greet and play off leash. He got along with the golden better that night. But continued to be uptight in class. I don't recall if we met early again. I don't think so. I didn't know her, and it was hard to be the owner of the obnoxious puppy.

At 5 months of age he put his teeth on someone's hand who was pretending to judge him for conformation. (No damage - thank you bite inhibition training)

He bit his first dog in Clicker class at 6 months of age. A black lab type dog walked by him while he was working and he turned quickly and bit the dog in the hindquarters (No damage - thank you dog friends who he could play with).

At a year of age he could still play off leash with other dogs, but he was becoming increasingly reactive to new dogs, noises and people. Sometimes he would charge dogs and give them the same "cheap shot" he gave his first lab described above.

At two years of age he damaged a friend's dog's ear. I continued to walk him off leash around other dogs muzzled. I convinced the breeder that he wasn't a breeding prospect and she agreed to let me neuter him.

By two and a half years of age he had given minor injuries to the ears or face of all of his dog friends as well as his two canine housemates. He had exhausted the tollerance of even my closest "doggy friends." He was no longer allowed to socialize with dogs outside of the two aussies I lived with.

I started to tell people he was dog aggressive.

Working a Reactive/Aggressive Dog

Lots of people, including his breeder had a variety of ideas on how to "fix" Gusto. Most involved pain corrections or fear/intimidation corrections when he lunged and barked at other dogs. By now I had done a lot of reading on the subject and although I was sure correction could supress the outbursts, I was convinced that it would not really get at the root of the problem. I was sure classical conditioning and desensitization training was the way to go.

I continued to work with him in training classes where he had to work around other dogs. He was uncomfortable, but was able to focus. He wore a gentle leader head collar so that I could easily control his head. I worked on presenting treats around other dogs in an open bar/closed bar fashion. I attended training classes that were flexible enough to allow me to work on his issues with other dogs. He was able to work around other dogs and take treats. I knew I could control him, but I lived with the constant stress of wondering if someone else's dog might wander into his comfort zone.

When Gusto was three, we moved to Southern Ontario. Now he only lived with one other dog and I didn't have access to the flexible training classes with the instructor who knew and understood us. We continued to work in the parks when the opportunity presented itself. We prayed we wouldn't meet loose dogs, and informed people with dogs we met that he was dog aggressive. I started a new job and he didn't get much work.

At four I started him in Agility training with a local trainer. Over the next two years he learned all the equipment and he learned to play tug, though it is definately a stretch for him to tug around other dogs. He competed at fenced venues a few times and didn't loose focus on course except once when a dog squabble broke out just outside the ring. He charged the fence, but called off and finished the course.

Gusto is now nine years old. I'm working for a vet clinic teaching obedience classes and we have begun teaching classes for reactive dogs. FINALLY Gus will get the work he really needs. This blog will journal our progress in classes. Will we ever really get to compete in agility? Only time will tell. Follow our journey, if you choose.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Reactive Class - Sat. April 17

Well, we had a reactive dog class this Saturday and Gusto did pretty well. I wanted to push things a bit with him, so I've decided to work him on his regular buckle collar and not on gentle leader. I kept it in my pocket and figured if he had an outburst, I'd put it on him. Doing so would undoubtedly be a negative punisher as despite years of classical conditioning with the head collar, it is still a slight aversive for him. Anyway I didn't have to put it on him because he managed to hold himself together.

In our first session we worked opposite a Jack Russell. We had worked with this dog before, but the quickness of these little energetic dogs often puts Gusto on edge. We started with U-Turns at 5 steps from 80 ft. and progressed to 12 steps. Then the trainer had us progress to an approach and turn on her cue. I find this the hardest exercise because I don't know when the turn is going to happen and I'm not in control of the exercise. I might be a bit of a control freak... Anyway it does help me stretch my personal comfort zones a lot. Out in the real world, I'm definitely not in control of the other dog or the owner so this helps prepare me for this lack of control. We progressed to following and then to parallel walking. I'm hoping that next time we will do some more difficult and challenging exercises with this dog. I'd like to do some "incoming" or parallel recalls. If I want to be able to compete in agility I really have to start amping up the difficulty. He has to be able to make the right choices in much more difficult situations.

Our second session was MUCH more challenging for Gus. The dog we were working opposite was a lab. The energy of the labs has always been a challenge for Gus. The added size is also more challenging, but perhaps the single largest trigger he has is a jingling collar and panting. This dog had both of these in spades. She had a wad of tags and was a heavy panter. As I predicted Gus found her challenging, but we did push him from U-turns, to following, to parallel walking, to pass-bys and he managed to keep himself under control. We had a lot of looking and one little growl, other than that he attended to me very well. I attribute some of this success to our work on the "look at that" game from Leslie McDevitt's book Control Unleashed - Creating a Focused and Confident Dog. During the U-Turns we had one lunge, but I managed to plant my fist to my gut so that any leash correction he received was self inflicted and not due to a jerk from me. I was happy with this as it is something I've been trying to work on. Planting my hands to keep them still so that I don't jerk or chock up on the leash.

Overall it was a very positive session with many challenges for both Gus and me.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Running with Gusto

Just a brief post to say that our runs are going really well. Too bad we usually only get out once a week. It is great to get out and moving with him. The spring makes it easier to really push him with other dogs as I can really adjust the amount of latteral distance I need to give him to the dog and situation that is approaching or overtaking us. If I need to give hime 10 feet I can, but if I only need to give him 3 then that works too. The biggest part is to judge how much distance each situation needs. One thing that seems to be a great improvement is his relaxed mouth. Even when going by dogs, I can't say that I feel his teeth. He is really learning how to maintain a realaxed jaw, for which my fingers are VERY thankful. Perhaps this difference is also due to the DAP collar mentioned in the previous entry. It is difficult to say.

On my last run I was overtaken by a small group of six joggers running with three dogs and a stroller. I pushed my pace as much as I could to maximize on the opportunity to follow the dogs. Gusto did really well. I was both surprised and impressed. I find myself equally working on MY ability to relax and breath through each encounter and HIS abiity to remain calm and focused as we pass by dogs on the path.

Running around the local lake has really pushed our comfort zone in encountering strange dogs.

I'm supposed to attend classes on Saturdays for three of the next four weeks so I'm looking forward to doing some new and more challenging work with him.


About 3 weeks ago I purchased Dog Appeasing Pheromone, also called D.A.P. from the local vet hospital. I opted to go with both the collar format and the room diffuser as that was the recommendation from the behaviour specialist who works there.

I haven't read any research on the product myself, but it is actually more well researched than all but one of the pharmaceuticals perscibed to help with generalized anxiety. I figure that pretty much anything non-intrusive is at least worth a shot.

For anyone not familiar with the product, it apparently it gives off the smell (to a dog - it just smells a little sweet to me) of a lactating female, a.k.a. "MOM". This smell is supposed to have a calming effect on the dogs. I must say that it does seem to be helping with his overall hyper-vigilance. He doesn't seem to react to random sounds outside as much he has in the past. Also he is usually particularly "alertful" when my husband is away at night. My husband was out two nights this week and I didn't hear a peep out of him. I should mention that it does NOT appear to help when people come over to the house at all. He alarms very loudly at this, but the fact that he can have a quiet day, evening and night is quite an improvement.